Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ALL Students

Hey Guys & Gals,

I hope you are all having fun. Take it easy and enjoy the journey. Hopefully you do this only once in your lifetime - taking law exams:)

I have tried to answer as many of your queries as I can. You have this long weekend take stock of all you have done. They key is structuring your answers and having the law in the way of cases or legislation and discuss them before applying the same.

Stay calm and go give the exams your best shot.

I met one of you at Sunset Bar last Saturday - hope that is a sign of confidence :)

ALL the best!!!!



  1. Hi Sir,

    Will you able to drop us anymore information on the important area for our exam ?

  2. HI Sir,

    Was wonder will there be anymore information on the important area to take note ?

  3. to those whom are asking for important areas to take note.

    If you come to ALL the lectures, Mr Yeo did higlight the important or "things to take note" part.

    and the last lecture. he did say which lectures is important..amid all.

    you are taking a degree course not diploma.

    thank you

  4. i have a question regarding law of investment .. lets say Mr A bought a property and wish to put Mr B's name under the property but do not want Mr B to sell the property.

    which law is applicable? joint tenancy?

  5. can you provide us the marked copy of the assignment? i would like to know how the questions fare. especially question 1.

  6. Hello, I would like to clarify certain matters with you, regarding The Mid Term Assignment. Please furnish your email address. Alternatively, please drop me a note at jovelleruth@hotmail.com. Many thanks.

    Signing off blindly,

  7. hi teacher, was thinking if u are able to specify what the grades of assignment mean. D or D+ for distinction, or the lousy d? how abt c, credit?


  8. hi, just to check...are we allowed to lift directly from the text and notes and write it in our law paper?

    or we are required to paraphrase ourselves.

  9. Hi Sir,

    I have a question pertaining to the revoke of will. If the testator die while still in the process of divorce will the 'will' be revoke in terms of disposition to a divorced spouse, power of appointment etc?

    And when text says that divorce revokes a will in terms of disposition to divorced spouse, does it mean that the whole will is revoke or only that particular 'instruction' is revoke?

    Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks!!

  10. Hi sir,

    Regarding to the revoke of will, can a will be revoke if the testator die while he is still in the process of divorce?

    Also is the whole will revoke or only a particular 'instruction' (e.g. the powers of appointment)

    Lastly, can a person prepare a will that exclude his wife and his children from any money from his estate.(I know that they would be able to make claim under s91)


  11. why u dont reply emails and over here in blog.

  12. Mr Yeo,

    Although the exams are over and nothing can be done right now. Out of curiousity that would probably help me guage if I could pass or score this exam would be your advise that you could give me.

    Just wanna know that for the exam paper, is it alright to just argue on the main issue like if the question is all about SGA. Then fully argue the facts on SGA without side tracking to touch on the various small key issues that could take into considerations?

    I also quite concern about if I am unable to finished the paper within 3 hours but i did attempt on all the question (in this sequence 4, 5, 3, 2, 1) its only the last question which I did less than half way where i mention about counter offer, termination of offer and whack a total of 26 cases within 3 hrs into the answer script, will that affect my passing rate? (assuming that what i argue for the previous questions are just the main issue that amount to the respective topics that have been covered)

    Just wanna feedback that hopefully you may feedback to Jason is that 3 hours for 5 question of 16 marks each seems to be reasonably impossible to finish all... LOL!

    Hope you could reply to my post. Thanks!

  13. Hello there venerable Mr Yeo!

    Just want to make it known that I thoroughly enjoyed your lectures. I find your highly personable oration coupled with the utility of the projector, or the lack thereof, exceedingly undemanding on my lazy brain. In a figure of speech, it's about as taxing as catching up with an old friend over prewarmed scotch.

    Gracias for lectures, and for erecting this blog-site for the accessible and reliable reference material, though on the side note, one may be inclined opine that the choice colors here are quite inconsistent with your herculean stature. =P

    Alright, May your kegs of bière be gorgeously golden and always be accompanied with mirth!

  14. hi, thanks mr yeo.

    i scored a distinction for the module; investments and financial markets.


  15. Dear Sir,

    I am your current student in Law of Investments and Financial Market.

    You have mentioned that the Assignment is being uploaded.

    However, I cannot seem to find it on the learning hub.

    I have emailed the lectuer, Mr Benedict Sheehy about it. But there is no response from him at all.

    Just wondering if you have a email copy of the assignment which you can email me at jeff24@pacific.net.sg.

    Jeff Loh
